There is the creativity

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From Passion comes Creativity. From Creativity comes Self-Awareness, Collaboration, Integrity, Leadership.

"You are really professional, helpful,
and super nice"

Johanna Saint-Pierre

Recording Artist & Stage Performer, France

"It was good. I felt a moving in my spirit because of your genuineness. It was easy
to do this with you... there was nothing hard about it. We must have been tuned to 4-3-2!"

Mark Farner

Recording Artist, Mark Farner's American Band, Grand Funk Railroad

"Guido is a genuinely engaging and thoughtful interviewer. He researches his subjects,
puts them at ease by relating with personal anecdotes and gives them the space to tell their own story."

Rose Cora Perry

The Truth Untold, Recording Artist

"Guido, great conversation! I’ve now done probably 20 of these, and this is (thumbs up) Top 1-2-3.
You are #1 best prepared, but also wonderfully engaging. It was a delight."

Dr. David Lee Fish

Doctor, Author, Educator

"I think that was fun. You ask a lot of cool questions.
A lot of people ask the old standard stuff, you got a lot of good ones."

Derek Davis

Babylon AD, Lead Vocals

"You make it into a flowing conversation. That's a very high art form. Really amazing. I had fun. You are an accomplished host and I had a wonderful time."

Kim Rahir

Author, Journalist, Weight Lifting Champion, Coach

"You're a good interviewer and host.
You really listen!

Flavia Abadia

DJ, Artist, Educator

“My mother sent me an email saying that she is impressed with the interview. She mentioned your hosting approach, familiarity with the work of your guests, and the attention to detail."

Alexandra Dotcheva

Author, Artist

"I am truly humbled by the depth of preparation you did ...
wow...thank you.”

Amy Scruggs

TV Host, Media Coach, Best-Selling Author, Artist

"It also shows me how carefully you were listening.
I'm not sure everyone would have picked up on it"

Jess Milton

Producer, The Vinyl Cafe

"I've done thousands, (no joke) of live broadcasts, podcasts, webinars, radio, and
I can count on 1 hand how many people are together as you are. SUPER GUIDO!

Julie Braun

Super Purposes

"'re such a talented host/interviewer.
Thank You!"

Jolene Harnish

Country Music Star

Guido Piraino Media Online is a landing page for a unique suite of content consumption opportunities in an environment that has a "little bit of something for everyone."  Enjoy "The Monthly Social Podcast" on your favourite podcast platform, or some sports talk on "The Coach's Call" on YouTube, and The Path Radio provides music around the clock. If you enjoy reading, the Blog provides a variety of topics that include sports, health, reviews, politics, environment, and other self-help pieces. Of course, you can also enjoy the many other hobbies I share with you here too!

The Monthly Social is also on YouTube as select segments from get video activated! A special bonus includes videos from The Path Radio Mix Spotlight on YouTube.

The Monthly Social


I promise to respond to every sincere inquiry.

- Guido

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