Sometimes you just don’t want to install an app, or the site you like doesn’t have one. So how do you make it easy so that you don’t have to re-type the same address into your browser or go sifting through bookmarks on your phone? These 4 easy steps are going to show you how to add a site to your phone home screen using an Apple iPhone.
Step 1
Find your Apple Safari browser on your phone and click it.

Step 2
In the address bar of the Safari browser, type in the site that you want to add. In this example, I am going to add “the BIGGEST little internet radio station”, The Path Radio. So, I’ll type in
Once you’ve entered the address, click the “go” button. The web site will open. If you go to a web site and it says “Not Secure” in the address bar, it doesn’t mean the site is not secured or that you are compromised. In the case of The Path Radio, they’re not selling anything or asking for your credit card, so adding extra security for you isn’t required. It’s a safe site that is providing you with great music and content.
Step 3
With the browser screen open and The Path Radio Online page displayed, click on the small box with the arrow pointing up.

That will open a new screen. On the new screen, find and click the line that reads, “Add to Home Screen.”

Step 4
On the next screen you have a choice to simply add it as-is or rename how it will be saved to your home screen. The two screen shots show both options. In the first, simply click “add” in the top right corner of the screen, or “done” in the bottom right corner of the screen. In the second, click on the space where the site name is and change it to your preferred name, then click “add” or “done”. I always prefer a shorter name because it looks cleaner on the phone home screens.

That’s it! You’ve added it to your home screen, and it should be right next to your other easy to access icons.

Now you can go ahead an enjoy the content, while making it easy to get to every time.
This is an opinion article by Guido Piraino of The Monthly Social Podcast. It may also be heard on The Path Radio Mix Online. You can read other opinion articles on the blog page.
For sports content, please consider The Coach's Call YouTube Podcast.