Business & Finance
Tips on Should I Buy A New Car Now?
By Guido | |
Should I Buy A New Car Right Now? Understanding the options of a New Car, Used Car, Interest Rates, Inflation Influence, the sales relationship, and timing.
Know Your Tested Carbon Tax Benefits Refund
By Guido | |
There is a lot of disinformation around the Canadian Carbon Tax, and I’m hoping this review gives you a better, more accurate, and truthful understanding.
The Cost and Chaos of Returning To Normal
By Guido | |
Depending on where you lived in the world, it was more like watching for a tsunami that you had enough warning was coming, that you had time to prepare for, and that would come in waves
Fuel & Food Eat Up Consumer Budgets
By Guido | |
"Today, five dollars would fetch about 3 litres of fuel, a sliver from having to wash my own windshield, and someone in the next car honking at me to hurry up."
Pay Yourself First Or Go Bankrupt
By Guido | |
So, if you don’t pay yourself first, you may find yourself consciously or unconsciously saying, “the cost is too high, the reward is too low”
The Hybrid Office Struggle
By Guido | |
While the workforce landscape changed, not all decision-makers read the room as they aimed for first to post on pre-pandemic return-to-office prize ribbons.
Is Shrinkflation Here To Stay?
By Guido | |
"Shrinkflation isn’t something you need to imagine. A ride to any local grocery store will reveal that it is indeed happening."
A Return to Office, Prehistoric Flashback
By Guido | |
"If the desire and belief to return to pre-pandemic inefficiency and waste is a marker for perceived success over the pandemic itself, then we will have learned little outside the medical science of COVID19."
The 1989 Ice-Cream CX Experience
By Guido | |
As a fifteen-year-old with the keys to the store, the task of serving all those people seemed insurmountable... That summer, I would learn two valuable lessons."
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