The Cost and Chaos of Returning To Normal
By Guido | |
Depending on where you lived in the world, it was more like watching for a tsunami that you had enough warning was coming, that you had time to prepare for, and that would come in waves
How To Add A Skill To Your Amazon Alexa
By Guido | |
This article will provide you with the steps to install an Alexa Skill and then use it, using The Path Radio Mix radio station as an example.
How To Add A Site To Your Home Screen
By Guido | |
These 4 easy steps are going to show you how to add a site to your phone home screen using an Apple iPhone.
Forced Inequity of Remote Education
By Guido | |
"At the core of all school decisions has been the best interest of the students. The output of those decisions simply has not lived up to the capabilities."
Reflecting on Remembrance Day
By Guido | |
Please support the memory of those who secured your freedom by purchasing and wearing a poppy.
Is Your Opinion Supporting Misinformation or Disinformation?
By Guido | |
You check the ingredient label on your grocery items, you check expiry dates on food, you check the label on your prescriptions, and whether you believe in vaccines or not you are also checking what’s in them regardless of which side of the argument you reside on. You do all that checking because it matters to you what you’re putting inside your body. Shouldn’t it also matter what you’re putting inside your head?
COVID-19: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
By Guido | |
"as students and staff return to school, the highly transmissible Delta variant of COVID-19 has caused cases, hospitalizations and death rates to soar across the country. Children under 12 are particularly vulnerable to infection as they are not yet eligible for vaccination… contrary to research early in the pandemic, children are just as likely to become infected as adults. According to the CDC, COVID-19 infection rates for adolescents aged 5 to 17 were as high as in adults 18 to 49, and higher than rated in adults over 50.”
The Other Side of The Interview: Employers Need Help Too
By Guido | |
These are 5 simple recommendations on your path to hosting better interviews that will leave a positive impression on the candidate and you in a better position long-term. They might also land you a resource that you actually need. Candidates can benefit from these recommendations too because it just might help them find their true self in an interview.
So, What’s The Plan? COVID19 & Returning to School in Ontario
By Guido | |
Whatever the next steps are, you must feel for educators, parents, and students heading into this school year as they collectively, literally, and figuratively hold their breath to see where on the dart board this all lands.
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