What Happens When People Are Angry Online
By Guido | |
Exploring the reasons why people on social media are so angry and what perpetuates their participation in misinformation and disinformation.
Which Political Leader Has More Fake Followers?
By Dante Palermo | |
"For as much as is made of social media being social, it can sometimes feel like you’re in a crowded room, talking to yourself."
Guy Lafleur’s Last Game, La Première Étoile
By Guido | |
My story, at least this one about Guy Lafleur, remains on the spine of a TDK VHS tape, in the hands of a fellow fan who I connected with fifteen years apart
Are You A Duck or a Goose?
By Guido | |
Equally as important as recognizing when we are fighting for crumbs is also recognizing when we are being fed crumbs.
Forced Inequity of Remote Education
By Guido | |
"At the core of all school decisions has been the best interest of the students. The output of those decisions simply has not lived up to the capabilities."
When & How Leaders Lose Trust and Credibility
By Guido | |
"A written statement walking back the earlier comments just doesn’t have the same impact as a live announcement. "
Making New Year Resolutions More Achievable
By Guido | |
"Why do we even make resolutions, and can we stick with them?"
5 Signs of A Bad Facebook Friend
By Guido | |
"The reality is that if you’re engaging in any of these behaviours, there are a lot of questions you ought to be asking yourself about yourself."
Reflecting on Remembrance Day
By Guido | |
Please support the memory of those who secured your freedom by purchasing and wearing a poppy.
Is Your Opinion Supporting Misinformation or Disinformation?
By Guido | |
You check the ingredient label on your grocery items, you check expiry dates on food, you check the label on your prescriptions, and whether you believe in vaccines or not you are also checking what’s in them regardless of which side of the argument you reside on. You do all that checking because it matters to you what you’re putting inside your body. Shouldn’t it also matter what you’re putting inside your head?
The Other Side of The Interview: Employers Need Help Too
By Guido | |
These are 5 simple recommendations on your path to hosting better interviews that will leave a positive impression on the candidate and you in a better position long-term. They might also land you a resource that you actually need. Candidates can benefit from these recommendations too because it just might help them find their true self in an interview.
The Next Threat: Who Blames Who?
By Guido | |
The pandemic is a great modern example for how blame has become engrained in the fabric of our society as humanity emerges from possibly an even greater threat, which at its core is the self-consequence of blame – the compromising of responsibility.
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