There is no obligation to provide any type of support in order to listen to and enjoy The Monthly Social Podcast. It is a non-profit production that I started as a means to help people during a time when the world had slowed economically and socially. I recognized that people were looking for hope and help, and so in my "little bit of something for everyone" way, the show was born.
Sometimes I get asked about the businesses that advertise on the show, or the endorsements I may give them. The advertisements and endorsements are a courtesy I provide in kind. We have built a relationship where the only currency exchanged is trust and respect.
I do incur monthly fees for hosting the show, so if you wanted to contribute a few cents, it's all appreciated. Proceeds will be used for ongoing maintenance and production. Click the "Support The Podcast" button below if you're so inclined to help.
Thank you for listening and the consideration.