On the perimeter a score like 5-1 suggests a dominant win, or that’s what the pendulum-fans will have you believe on social media. When you pick this game apart though, the score wasn’t reflective of all the micro moments that contributed to it.
A lot can happen in 60 minutes of hockey stretched over 3 hours and it certainly did in this game and it can go either way over the rest of the series, not just in wins, but also in decorum.
The pandemic is a great modern example for how blame has become engrained in the fabric of our society as humanity emerges from possibly an even greater threat, which at its core is the self-consequence of blame – the compromising of responsibility.
If I was going with overall talent consistency this season, I’d take the Leafs in 5. If I was going with passion and history (and yes, history matters), I’d take the Canadiens in 7.
The missing link, not the wrestler, but the magic that made me run from Church on Sunday, beating my parents who drove home, to catch the 1-hour Superstars of Wrestling